Children’s Church is a ministry that meets during morning worship for ages 3 through 8 downstairs in a Sunday School room. All children interested in participating will meet in the back of the church after the choir special and/or special music.

Tips For Parents
- Please take children to potty if needed before Children’s Church begins.
- Please make sure the volunteers are aware of any children with allergies.
- Please provide a phone number to text you if needed during service.
- Please pick up downstairs once church service is over.
Children’s Church is a kid-friendly version of “big” church. It is intended for children ages 3-8 using the following outline:
- Praise and Worship
- Prayer Requests
- Offering
- Bible Story
- Memory Verse
- Games and Crafts
- Missions Focus
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to Amber Flinchum, Children’s Church Director, at <a href=”tel:+13363128289″>(336) 312-8289</a>.